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13 Sentimentos Movie

13 Sentimentos

13 Sentimentos is a thrilling Drama, Romance, Comedy film directed by Daniel Ribeiro. This captivating story, produced by Claraluz Filmes, Lacuna Filmes, Canal Brasil, Telecine, released on 2024-06-13 with a runtime of 1 hours and 39 minutes.

13 Sentimentos Movie Details

Movie Name 13 Sentimentos
Release Date 2024-06-13
Language Portuguese
Country Brazil
Genres Drama, Romance, Comedy
Director Daniel Ribeiro
Writer Daniel Ribeiro
Producer Diana Almeida, Daniel Ribeiro, Fernando Sapelli
Editor Cristian Chinen
Production Company Claraluz Filmes, Lacuna Filmes, Canal Brasil, Telecine
Rating 3.5 out of 10 (123 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Artur Volpi as João, Michel Joelsas as Vitor, Marcos Oli as Chico, Julianna Gerais as Alice, Helena Albergaria as Mara, Bruno Rocha as Orlando, Igor Cosso as Leo, Sidney Santiago as Hugo, Cleomácio Inácio as Martin, Maite Schneider as Paula, Daniel Tavares as Rodrigo, Fabrício Pietro as Alexandre, Fábio Audi as Gabriel, Pither Lopes as Júlio, João Victor Toledo as Gustavo, Marco Barreto as Davi, Rafael Americo as Luis, Heron Leal as Will, Amanda Pereira Ribeiro as Nathally, Martina Pereira Ribeiro as Jennifer, Pither Lopes as Julio.


Like the perfect ending of a great film - that is the way filmmaker João describes the end of his 10-year relationship with Hugo. Despite breaking up, they remained best friends. However, reentering the dating scene brought a whirlwind of emotions, revealing that reality can’t be controlled like a movie script.


13 Sentimentos


Who directed the 13 Sentimentos movie?

Daniel Ribeiro directed the 13 Sentimentos movie.

What categories does the 13 Sentimentos movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance, Comedy.

When was 13 Sentimentos released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-13.

How long is the 13 Sentimentos movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 39 minutes.

Who wrote the 13 Sentimentos movie?

The screenplay was written by Daniel Ribeiro.