Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

200% Wolf Movie

200% Wolf

200% Wolf is a thrilling Fantasy, Adventure, Animation, Family film directed by Alexs Stadermann. This captivating story, produced by Studio 100 Animation, Flying Bark Productions, Atlantika Films, Siamese, released on 2024-07-04 with a runtime of 1 hours and 38 minutes.

200% Wolf Movie Details

Movie Name 200% Wolf
Release Date 2024-07-04
Language English
Country Australia, France, Spain
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation, Family
Director Alexs Stadermann
Writer Fin Edquist
Producer Carmen Pérez-Marsá Roca, Barbara Stephen, Alexia Gates-Foale
Production Company Studio 100 Animation, Flying Bark Productions, Atlantika Films, Siamese
Rating 5.1 out of 10 (135 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Samara Weaving as Batty (voice), Jennifer Saunders as Max (voice), Ilai Swindells as Freddy Lupin (voice), Akmal Saleh as Hamish (voice), Peter McCallum as Hotspur / Flasheart (voice), Sarah Rose Harper as Twitchy (voice), Elizabeth Nabben as Moopoo (voice), Janice Petersen as Felicity Hazzard (voice), Heather Mitchell as Lady Hightail (voice).


When Freddy Lupin's wayward wish transforms him into a werewolf and deposits a mischievous moon sprite on Earth, Freddy must restore the cosmic order before the earth and moon collide.

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200% Wolf


Who directed the 200% Wolf movie?

Alexs Stadermann directed the 200% Wolf movie.

What categories does the 200% Wolf movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Fantasy, Adventure, Animation, Family.

When was 200% Wolf released?

The movie was released on 2024-07-04.

How long is the 200% Wolf movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Who wrote the 200% Wolf movie?

The screenplay was written by Fin Edquist.