Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

A Halloween Feast Movie

A Halloween Feast

A Halloween Feast is a thrilling Horror, Comedy film directed by Guile Branco. This captivating story, produced by , released on 2024-04-13 with a runtime of 1 hours and 43 minutes.

A Halloween Feast Movie Details

Movie Name A Halloween Feast
Release Date 2024-04-13
Genres Horror, Comedy
Director Guile Branco
Writer Guile Branco, Arthur McClen
Production Company
Rating 6.667 out of 10 (160 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Lynn Lowry as Angela, Julia Coulter as Karen, Guile Branco as Mark, Lou D'Amato as Dr. Park, Asia Lynn Pitts as Susan Goth Girl, Pancho Moler as Cudjoe, James Griggs as Richard Long, Nika Khitrova as Rose, Jackson Leighton as Stuart Long, Raja Deka as Raymond, Della Maylan as Violet, Joe Guintu as Attorney David Ross, Dustin Gene as Nathan, Giovanna Quinto as Bartender, Mary O. Bremier as Grandma, Steven D. Newton as Doctor Chaz, April Henry as Singer.


A Dark Comedy by Guile Branco. As Angela, a former dancer, descends into madness, her family tries to cope the best they can. After an infamous dinner where a certain "finger" incident occurs, their lives collectively spiral to new levels of chaos, including, but not limited to, a sadomasochistic power dynamic, a cozy coffin and a bloody endeavor where a dinosaur may or not be present. All of the skeletons will come out at a Halloween night feast.

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A Halloween Feast


Who directed the A Halloween Feast movie?

Guile Branco directed the A Halloween Feast movie.

What categories does the A Halloween Feast movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Comedy.

When was A Halloween Feast released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-13.

How long is the A Halloween Feast movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 43 minutes.

Who wrote the A Halloween Feast movie?

The screenplay was written by Guile Branco, Arthur McClen.