Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax Movie

Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax

Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax is a thrilling Crime, Documentary film directed by Emily Turner. This captivating story, produced by Story Films, Channel 4 Television, released on 2024-03-11 with a runtime of 1 hours and 8 minutes.

Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax Movie Details

Movie Name Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax
Release Date 2024-03-11
Language English
Country United Kingdom
Genres Crime, Documentary
Director Emily Turner
Production Company Story Films, Channel 4 Television
Rating 7.9 out of 10 (147 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Sarah Barlondo as Unknown Character, Aly Cranston as Unknown Character, Kathryn McGarr as Unknown Character, Daisy Ashford as Unknown Character.


Two children accused parents and teachers of leading a paedophilic satanic cult, supposedly headquartered in secret rooms on the school premises. The story was not true. But once the fire was lit, it was hard to put out. Emily Turner’s film considers the real-world impact of an outrageous online conspiracy theory, exploring the importance of truth and the cost of lies.

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Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax


Who directed the Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax movie?

Emily Turner directed the Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax movie.

What categories does the Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Documentary.

When was Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-11.

How long is the Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 8 minutes.

Who wrote the Accused: The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax movie?

The screenplay was written by .