Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Akiplėša Movie


Akiplėša is a thrilling Drama film directed by Saulė Bliuvaitė. This captivating story, produced by Akis Bado, released on 2024-08-15 with a runtime of 1 hours and 39 minutes.

Akiplėša Movie Details

Movie Name Akiplėša
Release Date 2024-08-15
Language Lithuanian
Country Lithuania
Genres Drama
Director Saulė Bliuvaitė
Writer Saulė Bliuvaitė
Producer Giedrė Burokaitė
Editor Ignė Narbutaitė
Cinematographer Vytautas Katkus
Production Company Akis Bado
Rating 8.3 out of 10 (157 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Vesta Matulytė as Marija, Ieva Rupeikaitė as Kristina, Eglė Gabrėnaitė as Romas, Giedrius Savickas as Šarūnas, Vilma Raubaitė as Vilma, Jekaterina Makarova as Laima, Jokūbas Paškevičius as Rytis, Tadas Baranauskas as Donatas, Aleksandra Krivulina as Mazvile, Violeta Vasiliuaskaitė as Diana, Martynas Berulis as Kasparas, Kasparas Varnavičius as Goda, Gabrielė Petrauskaitė as Gerda, Urtė Kretkovskytė as Urtė, Simona Šiupinytė as Simina, Goda Lukoševičiūtė as Luka, Eva Vaitulionytė as Eva, Ieva Jasiūnaitė as Alex, Saulė Sakalauskaitė as Aistė, Dominykas Strazdas as Julius, Sofija Gedgudaitė as Alina, Džiugas Sveikauskas as Rimas, Aleksas Kazanavičius as Ruta’s Father, Aušra Pukelytė-Kazanavičienė as Ruta’s Mother, Genadijus Babincevas - Henry Match as Gedas, Raimondas Klezys as Treneris, Greta Repšytė as Girl in the Locker Room, Eglė Rabasauskaitė as Girl in the Locker Room, Elena Ingotaite as Girl in the Locker Room, Silvija Lileikytė as Modeling School Student, Atėnė Šakėlė as Modeling School Student, Ignė Katinaite as Modeling School Student, Artūras Lepiochinas as Auto Service Worker, Vygandas Vadeiša as Auto Service Worker.


Dreaming of an escape from the bleakness of their hometown, two teens form a unique bond at a local modeling school, where the promise of a better life pushes girls to violate their bodies in increasingly extreme ways.

Watch the Trailer




Who directed the Akiplėša movie?

Saulė Bliuvaitė directed the Akiplėša movie.

What categories does the Akiplėša movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Akiplėša released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-15.

How long is the Akiplėša movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 39 minutes.

Who wrote the Akiplėša movie?

The screenplay was written by Saulė Bliuvaitė.