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Algrafi Movie


Algrafi is a thrilling Drama, Romance film directed by Rully Manna. This captivating story, produced by Viu Original Film, Merpati Films, released on 2024-06-24 with a runtime of 1 hours and 51 minutes.

Algrafi Movie Details

Movie Name Algrafi
Release Date 2024-06-24
Language Indonesian
Country Indonesia
Genres Drama, Romance
Director Rully Manna
Producer Rissa Putri
Editor Husnul Aqil
Cinematographer Memet Nakesh
Production Company Viu Original Film, Merpati Films
Rating 5.2 out of 10 (128 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Junior Roberts as Algrafi Zayyan Danadyaksa, Megan Domani as Nayanika Zaqueena Dya, Slamet Rahardjo as Eyang Daksa, Carmela van der Kruk as Khaliza, Miranty Dewi as Susan, Denny Martin as Syafii, Hayu Pangastuti as Rahayu, Indra Aksa as Rayyan, Daffy Putra Shantony as Dandi, Nadya Pasha as Linda, Jabes Imanuel as Algrafi Kecil, Putri Cindy as Naya Kecil.


Algrafi Zayyan Danadyaksa was forced to return from America to Indonesia. The return was greeted by an arranged marriage with Naya, who was masterminded by Eyang Daksa. How will Algra and Naya escape from an arranged marriage?

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Who directed the Algrafi movie?

Rully Manna directed the Algrafi movie.

What categories does the Algrafi movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance.

When was Algrafi released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-24.

How long is the Algrafi movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 51 minutes.

Who wrote the Algrafi movie?

The screenplay was written by .