Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Amityville Apt. Movie

Amityville Apt.

Amityville Apt. is a thrilling Horror film directed by Christopher Bryan Gomez, Marvin "Knife" Sotelo, Jeffery Sarceno, Melissa Green, Matthew Festle, Charles Chudabala, Robbie Dias, Pat Kusnadi. This captivating story, produced by , released on 2024-01-26 with a runtime of 1 hours and 20 minutes.

Amityville Apt. Movie Details

Movie Name Amityville Apt.
Release Date 2024-01-26
Genres Horror
Director Christopher Bryan Gomez, Marvin "Knife" Sotelo, Jeffery Sarceno, Melissa Green, Matthew Festle, Charles Chudabala, Robbie Dias, Pat Kusnadi
Production Company
Rating 7.3 out of 10 (198 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Brinke Stevens as Zelda, Nicole Cinaglia as Jody, Jennifer Nangle as Melissa, Andrew Gonzalez as Diego De La Lutz, Kassandra Escandell as Lavina, Serena Kashmir as Punky, Leonard Zhang as Jethroe, Ashley Brant as Jodi, Alisha Erozer as Beth, Eden Shea Beck as Debi-Sue, Chelsea Newman as Genesis, Alan Maxson as Gorok, Maria Shapley as Jackie, Mark Schaefer as Jeff, Charles Chudabala as Robbie, Amber Kloss as Denise, Chantal Casutt as Luna, Geovonna Casanova as Margarita De La Lutz, Eli Godfrey as Padre Ray, Noel Jason Scott as Creepy Clown.


Forty years after the infamous house was destroyed, the town has built an apartment complex on the same property. Strange occurrences and disturbances start happening at each of the residences.


Amityville Apt.


Who directed the Amityville Apt. movie?

Christopher Bryan Gomez, Marvin "Knife" Sotelo, Jeffery Sarceno, Melissa Green, Matthew Festle, Charles Chudabala, Robbie Dias, Pat Kusnadi directed the Amityville Apt. movie.

What categories does the Amityville Apt. movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror.

When was Amityville Apt. released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-26.

How long is the Amityville Apt. movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 20 minutes.

Who wrote the Amityville Apt. movie?

The screenplay was written by .