Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

An Easter Bloom Movie

An Easter Bloom

An Easter Bloom is a thrilling Drama film directed by Anthony Metchie. This captivating story, produced by , released on 2024-03-30 with a runtime of 1 hours and 25 minutes.

An Easter Bloom Movie Details

Movie Name An Easter Bloom
Release Date 2024-03-30
Language English
Genres Drama
Director Anthony Metchie
Writer Michael Grimm
Producer John Prince
Production Company
Rating 7.4 out of 10 (144 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Aimee Teegarden as Amanda, Benjamin Hollingsworth as Derrick, Frances Flanagan as Lori, Robyn Bradley as Grace, P. Lynn Johnson as Constance, Eva Tavares as Effie, Scarlett Tupper as Young Amanda, Jesse Moss as Craig, Jennifer Oleksiuk as Tiff (as Jen Oleksiuk), Drew Henderson as Samuel, Grant Vlahovic as Dan, Lily Yawson as Gladys, Laura Adkin as Young Grace, Stefania Indelicato as Competition Announcer, Madeleine Kelders as Competition Judge, Robert Egger as Tom, Sophie Sedlacek as Young Lori, Avril Nickolls as Young Constance, Alozie LaRose as Teen Boy, Cadence Compton as Little Girl, Kazuko Arthur as Lacey, David Russell James as Grieving Dad.


A young gardener sets out to save her family farm by entering a floral competition for Easter. She meets a local pastor along the way who helps her restore the hope she lost.

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An Easter Bloom


Who directed the An Easter Bloom movie?

Anthony Metchie directed the An Easter Bloom movie.

What categories does the An Easter Bloom movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was An Easter Bloom released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-30.

How long is the An Easter Bloom movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 25 minutes.

Who wrote the An Easter Bloom movie?

The screenplay was written by Michael Grimm.