Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace Movie

Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace

Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace is a thrilling Horror, Fantasy, Action, Adventure film directed by Ali Zamani. This captivating story, produced by AZ Film Studios, Bossa Nova Productions, Eleven Seven Productions, Millman Productions, Ron Lee Productions, Silent D Pictures, released on 2024-07-09 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace Movie Details

Movie Name Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace
Release Date 2024-07-09
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Horror, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Director Ali Zamani
Writer Chris Kato, Ali Zamani
Production Company AZ Film Studios, Bossa Nova Productions, Eleven Seven Productions, Millman Productions, Ron Lee Productions, Silent D Pictures
Rating 3.643 out of 10 (150 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Denise Richards as Deborah, Cuba Gooding Jr. as Balthazar, Randy Couture as Marcus, Josh Burdett as Gabriel, Arifin Putra as Trigger, Lee Kholafai as Paul, Korrina Rico as Leah, Michael Teh as Michael, Silvio Simac as Lucius, Greg Canestrari as Padre, Hannah Michelle Jeffus as Dinah.


When an Iraq War veteran receives a calling from a higher power, he embarks on a mission to stop a fallen angel from raising an army of the dead to take over the world.

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Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace


Who directed the Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace movie?

Ali Zamani directed the Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace movie.

What categories does the Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Fantasy, Action, Adventure.

When was Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace released?

The movie was released on 2024-07-09.

How long is the Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Angels Fallen: Warriors of Peace movie?

The screenplay was written by Chris Kato, Ali Zamani.