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Arda Turan: Yüzleşme Movie

Arda Turan: Yüzleşme

Arda Turan: Yüzleşme is a thrilling Documentary film directed by Umut Aral. This captivating story, produced by Insignia Productions, released on 2024-08-18 with a runtime of 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Arda Turan: Yüzleşme Movie Details

Movie Name Arda Turan: Yüzleşme
Release Date 2024-08-18
Country Turkey
Genres Documentary
Director Umut Aral
Writer Okan Can Yantır
Production Company Insignia Productions
Rating 5.143 out of 10 (126 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Arda Turan as Self, Gerard Piqué as Self, Filipe Luís as Self, Andrés Iniesta as Self, Neymar Jr as Self, Koke as Self, Diego Simeone as Self, Ivan Rakitić as Self, Fatih Terim as Self, Miguel Ángel Gil Marín as Self, Emre Belözoğlu as Self, Selçuk İnan as Self, Caner Erkin as Self, Bülent Korkmaz as Self, Mehmet Demirkol as Self, Ahmet Bulut as Self, Funda Karayel as Self, Pedro Pablo Matesanz as Self, Metehan Baltacı as Self.


Arda Turan shares the most intimate details of his well-known personal life, starting on the streets of Bayrampaşa and leading up to Ali Sami Yen, Vicente Calderon and finally to Camp Nou.


Arda Turan: Yüzleşme


Who directed the Arda Turan: Yüzleşme movie?

Umut Aral directed the Arda Turan: Yüzleşme movie.

What categories does the Arda Turan: Yüzleşme movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Documentary.

When was Arda Turan: Yüzleşme released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-18.

How long is the Arda Turan: Yüzleşme movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Who wrote the Arda Turan: Yüzleşme movie?

The screenplay was written by Okan Can Yantır.