Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Arthur's Whisky Movie

Arthur's Whisky

Arthur's Whisky is a thrilling Fantasy, Comedy film directed by Stephen Cookson. This captivating story, produced by Arclight Films, CrossDay Productions, Sky, Sherbone Media, Filmology Finance, released on 2024-09-19 with a runtime of 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Arthur's Whisky Movie Details

Movie Name Arthur's Whisky
Release Date 2024-09-19
Language English
Country United Kingdom
Genres Fantasy, Comedy
Director Stephen Cookson
Writer Alexis Zegerman
Producer Stephen Cookson, Peter Keegan, Pippa Cross
Editor William Webb
Cinematographer David Mackie
Production Company Arclight Films, CrossDay Productions, Sky, Sherbone Media, Filmology Finance
Rating 7 out of 10 (136 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Diane Keaton as Linda, Patricia Hodge as Joan, Lulu as Susan, Adil Ray as James, Genevieve Gaunt as Young Linda, Hannah Howland as Young Susan, Esme Lonsdale as Young Joan, Bill Paterson as Henry, Lawrence Chaney as Lucy Rulez, Tom Stourton as Robert, Jaime Winstone as Sharon, Hayley Mills as Karen, David Harewood as Hal, Boy George as Himself, Ossian Perret as Young Arthur, David Bromley as Vicar, Nigel Pegram as Derek, Joanna David as Rachel, Marcus Fraser as Nathan, Talitha Wing as Shyla, Jacqueline Clarke as Doris, Alex Guersman as Hugo, Rae Lim as Kim Waxologist, Ross Tomlinson as Raymondo, Monika Choan as Threader, Kingsley Amadi as Busy Bee, Eva Scott as Mia, Anthony Burgess as DJ, Maryanne Eve as Young Karen, Paul Antony-Barber as Karl, Mel Harris as Dr. Deborah Wingard, Mark Brailsford as Chuck, Faizal Abdullah as Johnny the Bellhop.


When Joan’s husband dies, she is shocked to discover he had invented an elixir which makes the drinker look young again. Sharing it with her two friends, the three women paint the town red but soon discover that they are no longer equipped to be young in the modern world.

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Arthur's Whisky


Who directed the Arthur's Whisky movie?

Stephen Cookson directed the Arthur's Whisky movie.

What categories does the Arthur's Whisky movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Fantasy, Comedy.

When was Arthur's Whisky released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-19.

How long is the Arthur's Whisky movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Who wrote the Arthur's Whisky movie?

The screenplay was written by Alexis Zegerman.