Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Balestra Movie


Balestra is a thrilling Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction film directed by Nicole Dorsey. This captivating story, produced by Item 7, Oddfellows Entertainment, New Regency Pictures, released on 2024-08-09 with a runtime of 2 hours and 25 minutes.

Balestra Movie Details

Movie Name Balestra
Release Date 2024-08-09
Language English
Country Canada, United States of America
Genres Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction
Director Nicole Dorsey
Producer Paul-E Audet, Chris Ferguson, Pierre Even
Editor Véronique Barbe
Cinematographer Christophe Collette
Production Company Item 7, Oddfellows Entertainment, New Regency Pictures
Rating 6.2 out of 10 (198 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Cush Jumbo as Joanna Bathory, Manny Jacinto as Elliot, James Badge Dale as Raph, Christin Park as Audie Zimmer, Luke Bilyk as Wade, Heather Doerksen as Dr. Helena Sutro, Stephen Lobo as Owen, Claude Knowlton as Leo, Lori Triolo as Detective Fiorino, Jason William Day as Police officer #1, Johnson Phan as Detective Tran, Annette Reilly as Paris referee #3, Sharon Crandall as Dr. Lambright, Michele Goyns as Misha Crane, Sofia Skates as Fencing girl, Paul Almeida as Denver NAC official, Jeff Gladstone as Paris referee #1, Natalie Farrow as Ivy, Michael A. Cheng as World Fencing Referee, Hannah Duke as Neera, Holly Clarke as Zana Hadzic, Matteo Friend as Fencing student, Uri Burstyn as Cincinnati referee.


Joanna is a competitive fencer at the end of her career who is desperate to be the world’s best. In order to gain an edge, she pursues an experimental technology, allowing her to train via lucid dreaming, where she begins a tumultuous affair with her instructor that threatens her real world marriage and her pathway to Olympic gold.

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Who directed the Balestra movie?

Nicole Dorsey directed the Balestra movie.

What categories does the Balestra movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction.

When was Balestra released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-09.

How long is the Balestra movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 25 minutes.

Who wrote the Balestra movie?

The screenplay was written by .