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Between the Temples Movie

Between the Temples

Between the Temples is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Nathan Silver. This captivating story, produced by Ley Line Entertainment, Fusion Entertainment, released on 2024-08-22 with a runtime of 1 hours and 51 minutes.

Between the Temples Movie Details

Movie Name Between the Temples
Release Date 2024-08-22
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Nathan Silver
Writer Nathan Silver, C. Mason Wells
Producer Theresa Steele Page, Tim Headington, Nate Kamiya, Adam Kersh, Taylor Hess
Editor John Magary
Cinematographer Sean Price Williams
Production Company Ley Line Entertainment, Fusion Entertainment
Rating 5.8 out of 10 (157 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Jason Schwartzman as Ben Gottlieb, Carol Kane as Carla Kessler, Dolly de Leon as Judith Gottlieb, Caroline Aaron as Meira Gottlieb, Robert Smigel as Rabbi Bruce, Madeline Weinstein as Gabby / Ruth, Matthew Shear as Nat, Lindsay Burdge as Darcy, Julia Walsh as Twin #1, Brittany Walsh as Twin #2, Diane Lanyi as Cindy, Keith Poulson as Bartender, Jason Grisell as Priest, Annie Hamilton as Rachel, Jaden Waldman as Bar Mitzvah Boy, Simona Sickler as Nerdy Girl, Pauline Chalamet as Leah, Cindy Silver as Yael, Stephen Lack as Mildred's Owner, Jacob Morrell as Young Ben, Beanie as Beanie.


A grief-stricken cantor in a crisis of faith finds his world turned upside down when his grade school music teacher re-enters his life as his new adult Bat Mitzvah student. The two forlorn souls develop a special connection.

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Between the Temples


Who directed the Between the Temples movie?

Nathan Silver directed the Between the Temples movie.

What categories does the Between the Temples movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was Between the Temples released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-22.

How long is the Between the Temples movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 51 minutes.

Who wrote the Between the Temples movie?

The screenplay was written by Nathan Silver, C. Mason Wells.