Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Beurk! Movie


Beurk! is a thrilling Animation, Romance, Comedy film directed by Loïc Espuche. This captivating story, produced by Ikki Films, Iliade et Films, released on 2024-02-15 with a runtime of 0 hours and 14 minutes.

Beurk! Movie Details

Movie Name Beurk!
Release Date 2024-02-15
Language French
Country France
Genres Animation, Romance, Comedy
Director Loïc Espuche
Writer Loïc Espuche
Producer Juliette Marquet, Manon Messiant
Production Company Ikki Films, Iliade et Films
Rating 6.3 out of 10 (169 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Noé Chabbat as Léo, Katell Varvat as Lucie, Enzo Desmedt as The Little Brother, Camille Bouisson as The Little Sister, Hugo Chauvel as The Camping Buddy, Roman Freud as Messi, Mattias Marcussy as Ronaldo, Mokhtar Camara as Mbappé, Olivia Chatain as Léo's Mother, Théo Costa-Marini as Léo's Father.


Yuck. Couples kissing on the mouth are gross. And the worst is, you can't miss them: when people are about to kiss, their lips become all pink and shiny. Little Léo laughs at them, just like all the kids at the summer camp. But he has a secret he won't tell his friends: his own mouth has actually begun glistening. And, in reality, Léo desperately wants to give kissing a try.




Who directed the Beurk! movie?

Loïc Espuche directed the Beurk! movie.

What categories does the Beurk! movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation, Romance, Comedy.

When was Beurk! released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-15.

How long is the Beurk! movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 14 minutes.

Who wrote the Beurk! movie?

The screenplay was written by Loïc Espuche.