Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Bird Movie


Bird is a thrilling Drama, Fantasy film directed by Andrea Arnold. This captivating story, produced by BBC Film, BFI, Access Entertainment, Pinky Promise, FirstGen Content, House Productions, Ad Vitam Production, ARTE France Cinéma, released on 2024-11-08 with a runtime of 1 hours and 59 minutes.

Bird Movie Details

Movie Name Bird
Release Date 2024-11-08
Language English
Country France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Genres Drama, Fantasy
Director Andrea Arnold
Producer Lee Groombridge, Juliette Howell, Tessa Ross
Editor Joe Bini
Cinematographer Robbie Ryan
Production Company BBC Film, BFI, Access Entertainment, Pinky Promise, FirstGen Content, House Productions, Ad Vitam Production, ARTE France Cinéma
Rating 4 out of 10 (160 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Nykiya Adams as Bailey, Barry Keoghan as Bug, Franz Rogowski as Bird, Jason Buda as Hunter, Frankie Box as Kayleigh, Jasmine Jobson as Peyton, James Nelson-Joyce as Skate, Joanne Matthews as Debs, Rhys Yates as Beck, Jason Williamson as Unknown Character, Carlos O'Connell as Unknown Character.


12-year-old Bailey lives with her single dad Bug and brother Hunter in a squat in North Kent. Bug doesn’t have much time for his kids, and Bailey, who is approaching puberty, seeks attention and adventure elsewhere.

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Who directed the Bird movie?

Andrea Arnold directed the Bird movie.

What categories does the Bird movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Fantasy.

When was Bird released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-08.

How long is the Bird movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 59 minutes.

Who wrote the Bird movie?

The screenplay was written by .