Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Birthday Girl Movie

Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl is a thrilling Drama, Thriller film directed by Michael Noer. This captivating story, produced by Nordisk Film Denmark, released on 2024-04-04 with a runtime of 1 hours and 35 minutes.

Birthday Girl Movie Details

Movie Name Birthday Girl
Release Date 2024-04-04
Language Danish, English
Country Denmark
Genres Drama, Thriller
Director Michael Noer
Producer Rene Ezra, Matilda Appelin, Andreas Kask
Editor Jacob Thuesen
Cinematographer Adam Wallensten
Production Company Nordisk Film Denmark
Rating 5.722 out of 10 (182 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Trine Dyrholm as Nanna, Flora Ofelia Hofmann Lindahl as Cille, Herman Tømmeraas as Kevin, Maja Ida Thiele as Lea, Nathan Popa as Ryan, Sebastian DeMots as Bacon, Keith Eric Chappelle as Jerome, Viktor Bjerke Hofgaard as Mats.


On a cruise ship bound for the Caribbean, 42 year old Nanna has invited her daughter Cille and her best friend on a cruise to celebrate Cille's 18th birthday. The expectations are high, and they have big plans set for the three days aboard the cruise. But on the first evening, the dream vacation descends a nightmare, and Nanna realizes that in order to get justice, she must take matters into her own hands.

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Birthday Girl


Who directed the Birthday Girl movie?

Michael Noer directed the Birthday Girl movie.

What categories does the Birthday Girl movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Thriller.

When was Birthday Girl released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-04.

How long is the Birthday Girl movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 35 minutes.

Who wrote the Birthday Girl movie?

The screenplay was written by .