Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Blackwater Lane Movie

Blackwater Lane

Blackwater Lane is a thrilling Drama, Crime, Thriller, Horror, Mystery film directed by Jeff Celentano. This captivating story, produced by Clear Pictures Entertainment, Vitamin A Films, Piney Pictures, 13 Films, SSS Film Capital, Lipsync Productions, SSS Entertainment, released on 2024-06-21 with a runtime of 1 hours and 48 minutes.

Blackwater Lane Movie Details

Movie Name Blackwater Lane
Release Date 2024-06-21
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Crime, Thriller, Horror, Mystery
Director Jeff Celentano
Producer Shaun S. Sanghani, Elizabeth Fowler, Warren Ostergard, Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar
Editor Douglas Crise
Cinematographer Felix Cramer
Production Company Clear Pictures Entertainment, Vitamin A Films, Piney Pictures, 13 Films, SSS Film Capital, Lipsync Productions, SSS Entertainment
Rating 6.6 out of 10 (186 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Dermot Mulroney as Мэтью, Minka Kelly as Cass, Maggie Grace as Rachel, Natalie Simpson as DC Lawson, Kris Johnson as Alex Walters, Edward Baker-Duly as Dr. Deakins, Pandora Clifford as Susie, Henry William Galpin as Cafe Waiter, Mike Ray as Teacher, Alan Calton as John Collins, Judah Cousin as Andrew, Sally Blouet as Jane.


Late one night a woman drives by a stranded motorist who is later revealed to have been murdered. After a series of terrifying events the woman believes she is the killer's next victim.

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Blackwater Lane


Who directed the Blackwater Lane movie?

Jeff Celentano directed the Blackwater Lane movie.

What categories does the Blackwater Lane movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Crime, Thriller, Horror, Mystery.

When was Blackwater Lane released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-21.

How long is the Blackwater Lane movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 48 minutes.

Who wrote the Blackwater Lane movie?

The screenplay was written by .