Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Blood Dried Hands Movie

Blood Dried Hands

Blood Dried Hands is a thrilling Drama, Crime, Thriller, Horror film directed by Jason Vandygriff. This captivating story, produced by Tempting Fate Films, Bar G Moving Pictures, [BRACKETTED] Productions, AshTrey Productions, released on 2024-05-01 with a runtime of 1 hours and 55 minutes.

Blood Dried Hands Movie Details

Movie Name Blood Dried Hands
Release Date 2024-05-01
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Crime, Thriller, Horror
Director Jason Vandygriff
Writer Jason Vandygriff
Producer Jason Vandygriff, Micha Marie Stevens, Chance Gibbs, Trey Murphy
Editor Jason Vandygriff
Production Company Tempting Fate Films, Bar G Moving Pictures, [BRACKETTED] Productions, AshTrey Productions
Rating 6.2 out of 10 (135 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Micha Marie Stevens as Sgt. Edi Sharp, Chance Gibbs as Hayden Carey, Jordan Walker Ross as Investigator Reece Collins, Samuel French as Joel Sharp, Anna Pena as Taylor Maddox, Billy Blair as Sid Gilmour, Julius Gregory as Patrol Sgt. Dez Careno, Lexi Graves as Shelby Sutton, Hank Slaughter as Sheriff Norman Elkins, Stacey A. Sheffield as Jail Cpl. Hart, Devin Montgomery as Deputy Parker Watson, Tom Young as Jim Sutton, Sydney Wisdom as Fawn Harrington, Natali Jones as Natalie Cooke, Jason R. Davis as CSI Tech Holt, Snoden Brackett as Noah Sharp, Sue Vandygriff Villarreal as Lady at the Bar, Monty Deford as Welding Shop Foreman.


A reluctant serial killer grapples with his base desires and longs for his own death, as a small town Detective closes in on his trail to stop the killing spree while dealing with her own debilitating trauma.

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Blood Dried Hands


Who directed the Blood Dried Hands movie?

Jason Vandygriff directed the Blood Dried Hands movie.

What categories does the Blood Dried Hands movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Crime, Thriller, Horror.

When was Blood Dried Hands released?

The movie was released on 2024-05-01.

How long is the Blood Dried Hands movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 55 minutes.

Who wrote the Blood Dried Hands movie?

The screenplay was written by Jason Vandygriff.