Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Boys Go to Jupiter Movie

Boys Go to Jupiter

Boys Go to Jupiter is a thrilling Animation, Comedy, Music film directed by Julian Glander. This captivating story, produced by Glanderco, released on 2024-06-07 with a runtime of 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Boys Go to Jupiter Movie Details

Movie Name Boys Go to Jupiter
Release Date 2024-06-07
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Animation, Comedy, Music
Director Julian Glander
Producer Julian Glander
Production Company Glanderco
Rating 8 out of 10 (161 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Elsie Fisher as Beatbox (voice), Sarah Sherman as Miss Sharon / Minivan Mom (voice), Eva Victor as Gail 5000 (voice), Julio Torres as T-bone / Gas Station Guy / Brontosaurus (voice), Tavi Gevinson as Glarba (voice), Joe Pera as Herschel Cretaceous (voice), Cole Escola as Old Slippy / Nan (voice), Grace Kuhlenschmidt as Freckles (voice), Chris Fleming as Weenie (voice), River L. Ramirez as Gordon Spaghetti / Fettuccini / Paramedic / Minivan Baby (voice), Janeane Garofalo as Dr. Dolphin (voice), Demi Adejuyigbe as Mr. Moolah (voice).


A teenager in suburban Florida desperately hustles to make $5,000 in this dreamy and surreal animated coming-of-age story.


Boys Go to Jupiter


Who directed the Boys Go to Jupiter movie?

Julian Glander directed the Boys Go to Jupiter movie.

What categories does the Boys Go to Jupiter movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation, Comedy, Music.

When was Boys Go to Jupiter released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-07.

How long is the Boys Go to Jupiter movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Who wrote the Boys Go to Jupiter movie?

The screenplay was written by .