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BRATS is a thrilling Documentary film directed by Andrew McCarthy. This captivating story, produced by Network Entertainment, ABC News Studios, NEON, released on 2024-06-07 with a runtime of 1 hours and 32 minutes.

BRATS Movie Details

Movie Name BRATS
Release Date 2024-06-07
Language English
Country Canada, United States of America
Genres Documentary
Director Andrew McCarthy
Producer Adrian Buitenhuis, Derik Murray
Editor Tony Kent
Cinematographer Adrian Buitenhuis, Evans Brown
Production Company Network Entertainment, ABC News Studios, NEON
Rating 6.045 out of 10 (189 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Andrew McCarthy as Self, Emilio Estevez as Self, Ally Sheedy as Self, Demi Moore as Self, Rob Lowe as Self, Timothy Hutton as Self, Lea Thompson as Self, Jon Cryer as Self, David Blum as Self, Kate Erbland as Self, Malcolm Gladwell as Self, Susannah Gora as Self, Ira Madison III as Self, Loree Rodkin as Self, Judd Nelson as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Molly Ringwald as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), James Spader as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Sammy Davis Jr. as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Phil Donahue as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Tom Cruise as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Eric Stoltz as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), John Cusack as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Jacqueline Bisset as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Sean Penn as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), John Ashton as Self (archive footage) (uncredited), Liza Minnelli as Self (archive footage) (uncredited).


In the 1980s, Andrew McCarthy was part of a young generation of actors who were set to take over Hollywood after a string of successful teen movies. However, when the New York magazine cover story in 1985 dubs them the Brat Pack, stars in the making suddenly find themselves losing control over the trajectory of their careers. Now, almost forty years later, McCarthy looks to reconnect with peers and co-stars so that together they can reflect on their respective legacies.

Watch the Trailer




Who directed the BRATS movie?

Andrew McCarthy directed the BRATS movie.

What categories does the BRATS movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Documentary.

When was BRATS released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-07.

How long is the BRATS movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Who wrote the BRATS movie?

The screenplay was written by .