Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Catfish Movie


Catfish is a thrilling Drama, Animation film directed by Aurélie Galibois, Aurélie MARTIN, Camille NAUD, Cristina GANUSCIAC, Hee Young PARK, Vedushi SINHA. This captivating story, produced by Gobelins, released on 2024-10-30 with a runtime of 0 hours and 7 minutes.

Catfish Movie Details

Movie Name Catfish
Release Date 2024-10-30
Language English
Country France
Genres Drama, Animation
Director Aurélie Galibois, Aurélie MARTIN, Camille NAUD, Cristina GANUSCIAC, Hee Young PARK, Vedushi SINHA
Writer Aurélie Galibois, Aurélie MARTIN, Camille NAUD, Cristina GANUSCIAC, Hee Young PARK, Vedushi SINHA
Production Company Gobelins
Rating 7 out of 10 (196 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Violette Avouac as Elise, Kristine Gray as Mom, Joseph Marshall as Dad.


As Elise moves into a new apartment with her parents, her pet cat Roger turns into a goldfish. Distraught, she goes back to her childhood home to turn him back.


Who directed the Catfish movie?

Aurélie Galibois, Aurélie MARTIN, Camille NAUD, Cristina GANUSCIAC, Hee Young PARK, Vedushi SINHA directed the Catfish movie.

What categories does the Catfish movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Animation.

When was Catfish released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-30.

How long is the Catfish movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 7 minutes.

Who wrote the Catfish movie?

The screenplay was written by Aurélie Galibois, Aurélie MARTIN, Camille NAUD, Cristina GANUSCIAC, Hee Young PARK, Vedushi SINHA.