Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Chaos und Stille Movie

Chaos und Stille

Chaos und Stille is a thrilling Drama, Comedy, Music film directed by Anatol Schuster. This captivating story, produced by Zwillingfilm, SR, Fourmat Film GmbH, A and A Produktion, NiKo Film, released on 2024-10-12 with a runtime of 1 hours and 23 minutes.

Chaos und Stille Movie Details

Movie Name Chaos und Stille
Release Date 2024-10-12
Language German
Country Germany
Genres Drama, Comedy, Music
Director Anatol Schuster
Writer Anatol Schuster
Producer Anatol Schuster
Editor Gesa Jäger
Cinematographer Julian Krubasik
Production Company Zwillingfilm, SR, Fourmat Film GmbH, A and A Produktion, NiKo Film
Rating 7.4 out of 10 (169 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Sabine Timoteo as Klara, Anton von Lucke as Jean, Michael Wittenborn as Dr. Wunderlich, Maria Spanring as Helena, Yasmin Mowafek as Tari, Deryl Kenfack as Charles, Sarah Grunert as Journalist, Süheyla Ünlü as Head of the hospital, Matthias Neukirch as Mr. Jung, Bettina Kaminski as Mrs. Nowak, Reinhard Hinzpeter as Mr. Nowak, Beate Krist as Marion, Antina Albrecht as Waitress, Tanja Prüll as Supporter of Klara, Kerstin Agger as Mrs. Wunderlich, Torsten Graefe as Musician, Philippe Jacq as Mr. Morgenstern, Melanie Straub as Mrs. Jung, Deryl Ken as Unknown Character, Maria Wördemann as Unknown Character, Klara Wördemann as Unknown Character, Yad Barzinsky as Unknown Character, Hassan Alo as Unknown Character, Eric Lenke as Unknown Character.


A woman sits silently on a roof. A composer in search of silence. A pianist gives away her piano for free. A city falls into chaos.


Chaos und Stille


Who directed the Chaos und Stille movie?

Anatol Schuster directed the Chaos und Stille movie.

What categories does the Chaos und Stille movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy, Music.

When was Chaos und Stille released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-12.

How long is the Chaos und Stille movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 23 minutes.

Who wrote the Chaos und Stille movie?

The screenplay was written by Anatol Schuster.