Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action



COBAIN is a thrilling Drama, Music film directed by Conner McFall. This captivating story, produced by , released on 2024-08-24 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

COBAIN Movie Details

Movie Name COBAIN
Release Date 2024-08-24
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Music
Director Conner McFall
Writer Conner McFall
Producer Conner McFall
Editor V
Cinematographer Garett Marshall
Production Company
Rating 6 out of 10 (110 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Tommy Penner as Kurt Cobain, Aaron Dorrough as Dale Crover, Adam Bratton as Buzz Osborne, Tazi Starfire as Trevor, Wyatt Robison as Freddy, Jake Garcia as Randall, Shelby Guizar as Mari Earl, Tim Messer as Richard Krempf, Austin Bratton as Donald Cobain, Rachel Bratton as Wendy Cobain, Chris Crofut as Show Manager, Jay Rohn as Gym Teacher, Sydney Penner as Strange Lady, Isaiah Fuentes as Ticket Taker, Paulie Raven as Alien Masked Man.


A young, lost Kurt Cobain searches for solace through music.

Watch the Trailer




Who directed the COBAIN movie?

Conner McFall directed the COBAIN movie.

What categories does the COBAIN movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Music.

When was COBAIN released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-24.

How long is the COBAIN movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the COBAIN movie?

The screenplay was written by Conner McFall.