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Com’è umano lui! Movie

Com’è umano lui!

Com’è umano lui! is a thrilling Comedy, TV Movie film directed by Luca Manfredi. This captivating story, produced by Rai Fiction, Ocean Productions, released on 2024-05-30 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Com’è umano lui! Movie Details

Movie Name Com’è umano lui!
Release Date 2024-05-30
Language Italian
Country Italy
Genres Comedy, TV Movie
Director Luca Manfredi
Writer Luca Manfredi, Dido Castelli
Producer Sergio Giussani, Emanuele Giussani, Marta Aceto
Editor Luciana Pandolfelli
Cinematographer Fabio Olmi
Production Company Rai Fiction, Ocean Productions
Rating 5.5 out of 10 (174 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Enzo Paci as Paolo Villaggio, Camilla Semino Favro as Maura Albites, Andrea Filippi as Fabrizio De André, Andrea Benfante as Piero "Polio" Repetto, Augusto Zucchi as Ettore Villaggio, Emanuela Grimalda as Maria Faraci, Vincenzo Zampa as Piero Villaggio, Valentina Ruggeri as Unknown Character, Enrico Bertolino as Direttore Fantocci, Gianni Fantoni as Ragionier Bianchi, Valentina Gullace as Unknown Character, Giulia Nervi as Unknown Character, Alice De Andrè as Unknown Character, Giuseppe Brunetti as Maurizio Costanzo, Cristina Chinaglia as Unknown Character, Mauro Pirovano as Ivo Chiesa, Alessandro Bianchi as Portiere, Shany Martin as Assistente, Gianni Franco as Medico Jannacci, Fabio Farronato as Professore universitario, Roberto Attias as Marcello Marchesi, Gianni Parisi as Megadirettore, Andrea Possa as Questore, Davide Brozzas as Poliziotto, Sofia Paralovo as Elisabetta 2 anni, Angelica Pepe Sciarra as Allieva lezioni tedesco.



Com’è umano lui!


Who directed the Com’è umano lui! movie?

Luca Manfredi directed the Com’è umano lui! movie.

What categories does the Com’è umano lui! movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Comedy, TV Movie.

When was Com’è umano lui! released?

The movie was released on 2024-05-30.

How long is the Com’è umano lui! movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Com’è umano lui! movie?

The screenplay was written by Luca Manfredi, Dido Castelli.