Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Conclave Movie


Conclave is a thrilling Drama, Thriller, Mystery film directed by Edward Berger. This captivating story, produced by FilmNation Entertainment, House Productions, Indian Paintbrush, released on 2024-10-25 with a runtime of 2 hours and 0 minutes.

Conclave Movie Details

Movie Name Conclave
Release Date 2024-10-25
Language English
Country United Kingdom, United States of America
Genres Drama, Thriller, Mystery
Director Edward Berger
Writer Peter Straughan
Producer Tessa Ross, Alice Dawson, Robert Harris, Juliette Howell, Michael Jackman
Editor Nick Emerson
Cinematographer Stéphane Fontaine
Production Company FilmNation Entertainment, House Productions, Indian Paintbrush
Rating 7.2 out of 10 (134 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ralph Fiennes as Lawrence, Stanley Tucci as Bellini, John Lithgow as Tremblay, Isabella Rossellini as Sister Agnes, Lucian Msamati as Adeyemi, Carlos Diehz as Benitez, Sergio Castellitto as Tedesco, Brían F. O'Byrne as O'Malley, Merab Ninidze as Sabbadin, Jacek Koman as Wozniak, Rony Kramer as Mendoza, Joseph Mydell as Nakitanda, Thomas Loibl as Mandorff, Loris Loddi as Villanueva, Willie Jonah as Lowenstein, Romuald Kłos as Brotzkus, Roberto Citran as Lombardi, Madhav Sharma as Landolfi, Garrick Hagon as Krasinski, Vincenzo Failla as Guttuso, Bruno Novelli as Dead Pope.


After the unexpected death of the Pope, Cardinal Lawrence is tasked with managing the covert and ancient ritual of electing a new one. Sequestered in the Vatican with the Catholic Church’s most powerful leaders until the process is complete, Lawrence finds himself at the center of a conspiracy that could lead to its downfall.

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Who directed the Conclave movie?

Edward Berger directed the Conclave movie.

What categories does the Conclave movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Thriller, Mystery.

When was Conclave released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-25.

How long is the Conclave movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Conclave movie?

The screenplay was written by Peter Straughan.