Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Conjuring the Cult Movie

Conjuring the Cult

Conjuring the Cult is a thrilling Drama, Horror film directed by Calvin Morie McCarthy. This captivating story, produced by 7th Street Productions, released on 2024-10-01 with a runtime of 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Conjuring the Cult Movie Details

Movie Name Conjuring the Cult
Release Date 2024-10-01
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Horror
Director Calvin Morie McCarthy
Writer Calvin Morie McCarthy
Production Company 7th Street Productions
Rating 10 out of 10 (155 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have .


After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's choices will not just decide his fate... but the fate of his dead daughter's SOUL.

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Who directed the Conjuring the Cult movie?

Calvin Morie McCarthy directed the Conjuring the Cult movie.

What categories does the Conjuring the Cult movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Horror.

When was Conjuring the Cult released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-01.

How long is the Conjuring the Cult movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Who wrote the Conjuring the Cult movie?

The screenplay was written by Calvin Morie McCarthy.