Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Continente Movie


Continente is a thrilling Drama, Horror film directed by Davi Pretto. This captivating story, produced by Vulcana Cinema, Dublin Films, Murillo Cine, PASTO, released on 2024-07-18 with a runtime of 1 hours and 56 minutes.

Continente Movie Details

Movie Name Continente
Release Date 2024-07-18
Language French, Portuguese
Country Argentina, Brazil, France
Genres Drama, Horror
Director Davi Pretto
Writer Davi Pretto, Paola Wink, Igor Verde
Producer Paola Wink, Jessica Luz
Editor Valeria Racioppi
Cinematographer Luciana Baseggio
Production Company Vulcana Cinema, Dublin Films, Murillo Cine, PASTO
Rating 6 out of 10 (126 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Olívia Torres as Amanda, Ana Flavia Cavalcanti as Helô, Corentin Fila as Martin, Breno de Filippo as Ezequiel, Silvia Duarte as Maria, Sirmar Antunes as Evaristo, Anderson Vieira as Afonso, Hayline Vitória as Rosane, Mauricio Paniagua as Cesar, Mário José Paz as Silvério, Cássio do Nascimento as Andreize.


After 15 years of living abroad, Amanda returns home with her French boyfriend, Martin. They arrive at her family's large-scale farm, located in a secluded village on the endless plains of southern Brazil. There, Amanda finds her father in a coma in the midst of increasing tension among the workers. The sole doctor in the nearby village is Helô, a young woman who resigns herself to caring for the local townspeople. The imminent death of the farm owner will put Amanda, Martin, and Helô at the heart of a disturbing settlement between the village and the farm owners.

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Who directed the Continente movie?

Davi Pretto directed the Continente movie.

What categories does the Continente movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Horror.

When was Continente released?

The movie was released on 2024-07-18.

How long is the Continente movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 56 minutes.

Who wrote the Continente movie?

The screenplay was written by Davi Pretto, Paola Wink, Igor Verde.