Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Deadpool Remake Movie

Deadpool Remake

Deadpool Remake is a thrilling Action, Comedy film directed by Sofus Floejborg. This captivating story, produced by SofusFilm Productions, released on 2024-09-20 with a runtime of 0 hours and 20 minutes.

Deadpool Remake Movie Details

Movie Name Deadpool Remake
Release Date 2024-09-20
Genres Action, Comedy
Director Sofus Floejborg
Writer Sofus Floejborg
Producer Sofus Floejborg
Editor Sofus Floejborg
Production Company SofusFilm Productions
Rating 10 out of 10 (172 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Sofus Floejborg as Deadpool, Oskar Michel Jensen as Agent Smith, Katja Leth-Miller Damkjaer as Meghan, Alfred Tingkær as Steve, Marcel Funch Jørgensen as Partygoer, Marcus Luther as Drunk Man In Bar.


Inspired by the original Deadpool and Deadpool 2, this fan-made short film follows Wade Wilson in another universe on a hilariously violent, fourth-wall-breaking quest for revenge. After being betrayed by Steve, the new boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend, Wade—now Deadpool—goes on a rampage across Copenhagen in search of justice... Deadpool style. With a unique blend of action, sarcasm, and heart, this remake combines comedy, intense, emotional fight sequences, and Deadpool's signature antics as he faces enemies, questions his decisions...

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Deadpool Remake


Who directed the Deadpool Remake movie?

Sofus Floejborg directed the Deadpool Remake movie.

What categories does the Deadpool Remake movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Action, Comedy.

When was Deadpool Remake released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-20.

How long is the Deadpool Remake movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 20 minutes.

Who wrote the Deadpool Remake movie?

The screenplay was written by Sofus Floejborg.