Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Die Liebeskümmerer Movie

Die Liebeskümmerer

Die Liebeskümmerer is a thrilling Drama, Romance, Comedy film directed by Shirel Peleg. This captivating story, produced by UFA Fiction, released on 2024-02-13 with a runtime of 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Die Liebeskümmerer Movie Details

Movie Name Die Liebeskümmerer
Release Date 2024-02-13
Language German
Country Germany
Genres Drama, Romance, Comedy
Director Shirel Peleg
Producer Nataly Kudiabor
Cinematographer Stephan Burchardt
Production Company UFA Fiction
Rating 5.5 out of 10 (123 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Rosalie Thomass as Maria, Laurence Rupp as Karl, Cora Trube as Hedi, Jerry Hoffmann as Anton, Jakob Schreier as Zolt, Denise M'Baye as Sibylle, Özgür Karadeniz as Turgay, Charleen Deetz as Unknown Character, Margarethe Tiesel as Hilde, Paula Schramm as Santje, Arash Marandi as Unknown Character, Maria Hofstätter as Unknown Character, Timur Isik as Unknown Character, Amélie Miloy as Unknown Character.


When a skeptical journalist reluctantly participates in heartbreak therapy for an article, he ends up opening his heart to his charming therapist.


Die Liebeskümmerer


Who directed the Die Liebeskümmerer movie?

Shirel Peleg directed the Die Liebeskümmerer movie.

What categories does the Die Liebeskümmerer movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance, Comedy.

When was Die Liebeskümmerer released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-13.

How long is the Die Liebeskümmerer movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Who wrote the Die Liebeskümmerer movie?

The screenplay was written by .