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Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel Movie

Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel

Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel is a thrilling Animation, Family film directed by Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verkerk. This captivating story, produced by BosBros, Phanta Animation, Eyeworks, released on 2024-06-19 with a runtime of 1 hours and 2 minutes.

Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel Movie Details

Movie Name Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel
Release Date 2024-06-19
Language Dutch
Country Belgium, Netherlands
Genres Animation, Family
Director Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verkerk
Production Company BosBros, Phanta Animation, Eyeworks
Rating 5.5 out of 10 (173 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Jan Decleir as Verteller (België).


Tummy Tom’s favourite toy is Bear. One evening, when Tummy Tom is sleeping, Bear goes missing. Tummy Tom and his best friend Cat Mouse start looking in and around the house. But in order to find Bear, they decide to leave their garden and discover a new world with new friends. Together, they manage to find Bear.


Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel


Who directed the Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel movie?

Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verkerk directed the Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel movie.

What categories does the Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation, Family.

When was Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-19.

How long is the Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 2 minutes.

Who wrote the Dikkie Dik en de verdwenen knuffel movie?

The screenplay was written by .