Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Dish Please Movie

Dish Please

Dish Please is a thrilling Drama film directed by Valerie Williams. This captivating story, produced by Pot + Kettle Production LLC, released on 2024-05-01 with a runtime of 0 hours and 5 minutes.

Dish Please Movie Details

Movie Name Dish Please
Release Date 2024-05-01
Language English
Genres Drama
Director Valerie Williams
Writer Walker Yon
Editor Kiana Rondolph
Cinematographer Alex Criss
Production Company Pot + Kettle Production LLC
Rating 6.4 out of 10 (106 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Brock Anthony as Wren, Madelyn Irene as Julia.


Two siblings who are completely different from each other are cleaning dishes as they argue about their differences only to realize that one of them has done something terrible that turns their life upside down.

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Dish Please


Who directed the Dish Please movie?

Valerie Williams directed the Dish Please movie.

What categories does the Dish Please movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Dish Please released?

The movie was released on 2024-05-01.

How long is the Dish Please movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 5 minutes.

Who wrote the Dish Please movie?

The screenplay was written by Walker Yon.