Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos Movie

Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos

Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos is a thrilling Animation, Comedy film directed by Jared Madrigal, Robert Castellanos. This captivating story, produced by Odd Nation Cartoons, released on 2024-11-20 with a runtime of 10 hours and 50 minutes.

Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos Movie Details

Movie Name Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos
Release Date 2024-11-20
Genres Animation, Comedy
Director Jared Madrigal, Robert Castellanos
Production Company Odd Nation Cartoons
Rating 7.1 out of 10 (143 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Steven Gordon as Derek, Silly Billy as Trevor, SpilledInk as Emily, Aubrey Akers as Lynda, Tony Ellis as Logan, Nathan Timmons as Zaid, Maganda Marie as Hannah, Ethan Roughley as Richard, Mia Rorah as Marissa, Kylie Rutzen[ as Anastasia, Gabe Walsh-Shore as Ted.


After the events of All-Stars, eighteen new contestants will be invited to an abandoned fairground, to compete for a grand prize. The contestants will be divided into teams and pitted against each other in challenges, with the losing team(s) required to vote someone out of the competition. The process will continue until one contestant emerges victorious and claims the grand prize.


Who directed the Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos movie?

Jared Madrigal, Robert Castellanos directed the Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos movie.

What categories does the Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation, Comedy.

When was Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-20.

How long is the Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos movie?

The runtime is 10 hours and 50 minutes.

Who wrote the Disventure Camp: Carnival of Chaos movie?

The screenplay was written by .