Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Doce Família Movie

Doce Família

Doce Família is a thrilling Romance, Comedy film directed by Carolina Durão. This captivating story, produced by Galeria Distribuidora, released on 2024-09-06 with a runtime of 1 hours and 29 minutes.

Doce Família Movie Details

Movie Name Doce Família
Release Date 2024-09-06
Language Portuguese
Country Brazil
Genres Romance, Comedy
Director Carolina Durão
Writer Carolina Garcia
Producer Mayra Lucas, Carolina Alckmin, Ricardo Costianovsky, Tomás Darcyl, Gabriel Gurman
Editor Leopoldo Joe Nakata, Ricardo Mesquita
Cinematographer Pedro Faerstein
Production Company Galeria Distribuidora
Rating 5.167 out of 10 (191 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Mariana Xavier as Tamara, Maria Padilha as Verônica, Vitória Moraes as Babi, Karina Ramil as Alê, Isabela Ordoñez as Joaninha, Danilo de Moura as Hugo, Gabriel Godoy as Beto, Marcelo Laham as Frederico Albuquerque, Hugo Possolo as Crítico, Ana Paula Xongani as Enfermeira, Jana Figarella as Mel (Funcionária Confeitaria), Ana Sophia as Quindinha (Tamara Criança), Leticia Abellan as Magra Clínica 1, Duda Benevides as Magra Clínica 2, Diego Braga as Garçom.


To fulfill her dream of wearing her mother's wedding dress, Tamara undergoes a transformation, but she will only find peace when she learns to love herself.


Doce Família


Who directed the Doce Família movie?

Carolina Durão directed the Doce Família movie.

What categories does the Doce Família movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Romance, Comedy.

When was Doce Família released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-06.

How long is the Doce Família movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 29 minutes.

Who wrote the Doce Família movie?

The screenplay was written by Carolina Garcia.