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Dona Lurdes: O Filme Movie

Dona Lurdes: O Filme

Dona Lurdes: O Filme is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Cristiano Marques. This captivating story, produced by Estúdios Globo, released on 2024-03-28 with a runtime of 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Dona Lurdes: O Filme Movie Details

Movie Name Dona Lurdes: O Filme
Release Date 2024-03-28
Language Portuguese
Country Brazil
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Cristiano Marques
Writer Manuela Dias, Cláudio Torres Gonzaga
Producer Luciana Monteiro
Editor Quito Ribeiro
Cinematographer Breno Cunha
Production Company Estúdios Globo
Rating 6.4 out of 10 (136 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Regina Casé as Lurdes dos Santos Silva, Arlete Salles as Zuleide, Evandro Mesquita as Mário Sérgio, Chay Suede as Domênico dos Santos Silva, Thiago Martins as Ryan dos Santos Silva, Jéssica Ellen as Camila dos Santos, Nanda Costa as Érica dos Santos Silva, Juliano Cazarré as Magno dos Santos Silva, Maria Gal as Vânia, Clara Galinari as Brenda Barros dos Santos, Yan Pietro as Unknown Character, Humberto Carrão as Sandro Amorim Camargo, Enrique Díaz as Durval, Aílton Graça as Sinvaldo, Ana Maria Braga as Ana Maria Braga, João Gomes as João Gomes, Altair Rodrigues as Dançarino, Amanda Lyra as Psicóloga, Cyda Moreno as Carmem, Goretti Ribeiro as Doutora Daniela, Nisia Rocha as Senhora, Ramille Xavier as Funcionária, Roberto Caribé as Senhor dos Cálices.


Dona Lurdes is a mother and housewife who is suffering from empty nest syndrome when her last child leaves home. To escape her loneliness, she goes in search of new ways to fill her days and her life. Due to her thirst for new things, Dona Lurdes will live new experiences, build friendships and new love.


Dona Lurdes: O Filme


Who directed the Dona Lurdes: O Filme movie?

Cristiano Marques directed the Dona Lurdes: O Filme movie.

What categories does the Dona Lurdes: O Filme movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was Dona Lurdes: O Filme released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-28.

How long is the Dona Lurdes: O Filme movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Who wrote the Dona Lurdes: O Filme movie?

The screenplay was written by Manuela Dias, Cláudio Torres Gonzaga.