Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Efsane Movie


Efsane is a thrilling Comedy film directed by Selçuk Aydemir. This captivating story, produced by Aytaç Medya, released on 2024-02-02 with a runtime of 1 hours and 47 minutes.

Efsane Movie Details

Movie Name Efsane
Release Date 2024-02-02
Language Turkish
Country Turkey
Genres Comedy
Director Selçuk Aydemir
Writer Selçuk Aydemir
Producer Aytac Agdag
Production Company Aytaç Medya
Rating 5.5 out of 10 (109 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ahmet Kural as Sadık / Özgür, Cengiz Bozkurt as Faruk, Cemile Canyurt as Aynur, Şinasi Yurtsever as Kasap Şevket, Ayhan Taş as Tamirci, Elif Ongan as Öznur, Sadi Celil Cengiz as Hamamcı, Serdar Gökhan as Dede, Tuana Tezsay as Sevim, Rojhat Özsoy as Umut, Devrim Saltoğlu as İmam, Burcu Gönder as Banu, Ferhan Vural as Evsiz.


Main character and his family, who live in Çorum, they make yoghurt as a family tradition dating back thousands of years, and they are known for the taste and healing properties of their yoghurt. The secret of this legendary yoghurt is kept by the grandfather, the eldest of the family, and he makes the yoghurt. However, when snow falls on the roof of your grandfather's house on a summer day, everything will change... According to legend, if it snows on the roof of the person who has the secret on a summer day, that secret should be transferred to someone else and given to someone else in the family. If it is not given, great disasters will befall the family and they will be destroyed. All members of the family should come together to lend a helping hand as soon as possible.




Who directed the Efsane movie?

Selçuk Aydemir directed the Efsane movie.

What categories does the Efsane movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Comedy.

When was Efsane released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-02.

How long is the Efsane movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 47 minutes.

Who wrote the Efsane movie?

The screenplay was written by Selçuk Aydemir.