Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

El 47 Movie

El 47

El 47 is a thrilling Drama, Crime film directed by Marcel Barrena. This captivating story, produced by ICEC, TVE, TV3, Telson, The Mediapro Studio, released on 2024-09-06 with a runtime of 1 hours and 50 minutes.

El 47 Movie Details

Movie Name El 47
Release Date 2024-09-06
Language Catalan, Spanish
Country Spain
Genres Drama, Crime
Director Marcel Barrena
Writer Marcel Barrena, Alberto Marini
Producer Laura Fernández Espeso, Eva Garrido, Javier Méndez, Jaume Roures
Production Company ICEC, TVE, TV3, Telson, The Mediapro Studio
Rating 8.1 out of 10 (105 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Eduard Fernández as Manolo Vital, Clara Segura as Carmen, Zoe Bonafonte as Joana, Salva Reina as Felipín, Óscar de la Fuente as Antonio, David Verdaguer as Serra, Carlos Cuevas as Pasqual, Betsy Túrnez as Aurora, Maria Morera Colomer as Mar, Aimar Vega as Josep, Vicente Romero Sánchez as Ortega, Borja Espinosa as El Rubio, Carme Sansa as Señora Vila, Francesc Ferrer as Abogado, Lolo Herrero as Matías, Eva Arias as Feli, Elena Fortuny as Directora coro, Juan Olivares as Padre Helena, Albert Prat as Delegado, Alvar Triay as Portero ayuntamiento, Salvador Oliva as Funcionario, Alèx Moreu as Jefe grises, Jan Serra as Revisor joven, Pep Linares as Gris, Víctor Benjumea as Camionero, Pep Ferrer as Comerciante, Maite Buenafuente as Maribel, Greta Falp as Helena, Josep Cárceles as Funcionario del Maresme, Marià Vila de Abadal as Político, Antonio Molero Cortés as Miguelito, Eli Iranzo as Señora limpieza, Mireia Rey as Lurdes, Tian Tosas as Niño de la ventana.


Inspired on the true story of Manolo Vital, a bus driver who helped create the modern Barcelona during the 1970s city's boom.


Who directed the El 47 movie?

Marcel Barrena directed the El 47 movie.

What categories does the El 47 movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Crime.

When was El 47 released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-06.

How long is the El 47 movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 50 minutes.

Who wrote the El 47 movie?

The screenplay was written by Marcel Barrena, Alberto Marini.