Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

El salto Movie

El salto

El salto is a thrilling Drama film directed by Benito Zambrano. This captivating story, produced by Cine365 Films, Castelao Pictures, Noodles Production, released on 2024-04-12 with a runtime of 1 hours and 25 minutes.

El salto Movie Details

Movie Name El salto
Release Date 2024-04-12
Language Spanish, French
Country Spain, France
Genres Drama
Director Benito Zambrano
Writer Flora González Villanueva
Production Company Cine365 Films, Castelao Pictures, Noodles Production
Rating 6 out of 10 (130 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Moussa Sylla as Ibrahim, Edith Martínez-Val as Aminata, Éric Nantchouang as Ousman, Nansi Nsue as Mariama, Vicky Peña as Hermana Marisa, Mariola Fuentes as Carmela, Vicenta N'Dongo as Elena Jiménez, Mari Paz Sayago as Lourdes, Norberto Trujillo B. as Rodrigo, Ali Useni as Fodé, Marius Makon as Aboubacar, Abdel Mouanji as Drissa, Justino Mendes as Seydou, Pape Sarr as Antonie, Junior Severo as Mouctar, Sylla Mori as Moussa, Rodonny Perriere as Samuel, Juanfra Juárez as Sebas, Jorge Valder as Rogelio, Thimbo Samb as Sékou, Bachir Samb as Mamadou, Toni Engonga as Brice, Almudena Ruiz Rey as Carmen, Tarik Rmili as Mafioso, Amin Hamada as Lugarteniente, Khaled Kouka as Khalil, Luis Dyangani as Saidou, Usha Jadhav as Asma, Javier Mbulito as James.


Ibrahim came to Spain from Guinea Conakry and now his roots are in Madrid, where he lives with Mariama and works as a bricklayer. One day, the police arrest him and Ibrahim, who lacks a residence permit, is deported to his country. From that moment on, his only objective will be to return to Spain to reunite with Mariama and her daughter about to be born. After managing to cross Africa, he settles with some companions in Mount Gurugú, an immigrant camp that separates Africa from Europe. There he meets Aminata, a girl determined to jump the fence and reach Spain. But that is a physical feat that is not within everyone's reach.

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El salto


Who directed the El salto movie?

Benito Zambrano directed the El salto movie.

What categories does the El salto movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was El salto released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-12.

How long is the El salto movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 25 minutes.

Who wrote the El salto movie?

The screenplay was written by Flora González Villanueva.