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Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül Movie

Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül

Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül is a thrilling Drama, Documentary film directed by Gábor Hörcher. This captivating story, produced by KraatsFilm, ZED, released on 2024-04-25 with a runtime of 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül Movie Details

Movie Name Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül
Release Date 2024-04-25
Language English, Hungarian
Country France, Hungary
Genres Drama, Documentary
Director Gábor Hörcher
Writer Gábor Hörcher
Producer Gábor Hörcher, Christine Le Goff, Marcell Iványi
Editor Patrick Minks
Cinematographer Kristóf Becsey
Production Company KraatsFilm, ZED
Rating 5.6 out of 10 (146 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Emma Lovett as Self, Eddie Lovett as Self, Mirjana Garibovic as Self, Alexandra Georgia as Self, Lohinai György as Self, Norbert Ion as Self, Nata Ocean as Self, Kira Queen as Self, Daniel Ratiu as Self, Shona River as Self, Tiffany Tatum as Self, Georgia Uris as Self, Marta Villa as Self.


Emma and Eddie live two lives: one on social media and one in real life. The webcam couple is out to save their marriage by starting their own adult web-studio in Eastern Europe.

Watch the Trailer


Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül


Who directed the Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül movie?

Gábor Hörcher directed the Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül movie.

What categories does the Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Documentary.

When was Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-25.

How long is the Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Who wrote the Emma és Eddie: A képen kívül movie?

The screenplay was written by Gábor Hörcher.