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Fabbricante di lacrime Movie

Fabbricante di lacrime

Fabbricante di lacrime is a thrilling Drama, Romance film directed by Alessandro Genovesi. This captivating story, produced by Colorado Film, released on 2024-04-03 with a runtime of 1 hours and 46 minutes.

Fabbricante di lacrime Movie Details

Movie Name Fabbricante di lacrime
Release Date 2024-04-03
Language Italian
Country Italy
Genres Drama, Romance
Director Alessandro Genovesi
Writer Alessandro Genovesi, Eleonora Fiorini
Producer Iginio Straffi, Maurizio Totti, Alessandro Usai
Editor Claudio Di Mauro, Simone Rosati
Cinematographer Luca Esposito
Production Company Colorado Film
Rating 6.551 out of 10 (758 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Caterina Ferioli as Nica, Simone Baldasseroni as Rigel Wilde, Sabrina Paravicini as Margaret, Alessandro Bedetti as Lionel, Roberta Rovelli as Anna Milligan, Orlando Cinque as Norman Milligan, Eco Andriolo Ranzi as Adeline, Nicky Passarella as Billie, Sveva Romano Candelletta as Miki, Laura Baldi as Unknown Character, Matteo Capraro as Unknown Character, Anna Cianca as Unknown Character, Juju Di Domenico as Unknown Character, Filippo Giacomelli as Unknown Character, Eugenio Krauss as Unknown Character, Giulia Martinelli as Unknown Character, Alessandro Pala Griesche as Unknown Character, Angelo Tanzi as Giudice, Aron Tewelde as Unknown Character.


Adopted together after a tough childhood in an orphanage, Nica and Rigel realize that unexpected but irresistible feelings pull them together.

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Fabbricante di lacrime


Who directed the Fabbricante di lacrime movie?

Alessandro Genovesi directed the Fabbricante di lacrime movie.

What categories does the Fabbricante di lacrime movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance.

When was Fabbricante di lacrime released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-03.

How long is the Fabbricante di lacrime movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 46 minutes.

Who wrote the Fabbricante di lacrime movie?

The screenplay was written by Alessandro Genovesi, Eleonora Fiorini.