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Falling in Love in Niagara Movie

Falling in Love in Niagara

Falling in Love in Niagara is a thrilling Romance film directed by Marita Grabiak. This captivating story, produced by , released on 2024-03-14 with a runtime of 1 hours and 24 minutes.

Falling in Love in Niagara Movie Details

Movie Name Falling in Love in Niagara
Release Date 2024-03-14
Language English
Genres Romance
Director Marita Grabiak
Writer Carley Smale
Producer Josie Fitzgerald
Production Company
Rating 7.2 out of 10 (166 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Jocelyn Hudon as Madeline, Dan Jeannotte as Mike, Masa Lizdek as Harley, Jinesea Bianca Lewis as Emily, Duane Keogh as Phil, Monica Knox as Beth, Bert Cardozo as Keegan, Chris Violette as Jason, Tomas Chovanec as Concierge, Kelly McNamee as Waiter, Sukhman Gill as Alberto, Gregory Wilson as Officiant.


After her fiancé leaves her before their wedding, Madeline goes to Niagara Falls to honeymoon without him. There, she reconnects with her adventurous side, learns to let go, and finds new love.

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Falling in Love in Niagara


Who directed the Falling in Love in Niagara movie?

Marita Grabiak directed the Falling in Love in Niagara movie.

What categories does the Falling in Love in Niagara movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Romance.

When was Falling in Love in Niagara released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-14.

How long is the Falling in Love in Niagara movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 24 minutes.

Who wrote the Falling in Love in Niagara movie?

The screenplay was written by Carley Smale.