Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Farmer's Bride Movie

Farmer's Bride

Farmer's Bride is a thrilling Drama film directed by Jack'enneth Opukeme, Adebayo Tijani. This captivating story, produced by FilmOne Studios, released on 2024-09-27 with a runtime of 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Farmer's Bride Movie Details

Movie Name Farmer's Bride
Release Date 2024-09-27
Language English
Country Nigeria
Genres Drama
Director Jack'enneth Opukeme, Adebayo Tijani
Writer Jack'enneth Opukeme
Production Company FilmOne Studios
Rating 5.7 out of 10 (125 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Mercy Aigbe as Unknown Character, Tobi Bakre as Unknown Character, Femi Branch as Unknown Character, Wumi Toriola as Unknown Character, Efe Irele as Unknown Character.


In 1980s Ibadan, Funmi is forced into a marriage with Odun, a wealthy but lonely farmer. Though bound by duty, Funmi’s heart is elsewhere, and her resentment grows as she grapples with the life she never chose. Caught between a man she doesn’t love and one who sets her heart ablaze, she must navigate a choice that could have deadly consequences.

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Farmer's Bride


Who directed the Farmer's Bride movie?

Jack'enneth Opukeme, Adebayo Tijani directed the Farmer's Bride movie.

What categories does the Farmer's Bride movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Farmer's Bride released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-27.

How long is the Farmer's Bride movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Who wrote the Farmer's Bride movie?

The screenplay was written by Jack'enneth Opukeme.