Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Faro Movie


Faro is a thrilling Drama, Thriller, Horror film directed by Ángeles Hernández. This captivating story, produced by Mr. Miyagi, Vista Sur Films, released on 2024-01-26 with a runtime of 1 hours and 37 minutes.

Faro Movie Details

Movie Name Faro
Release Date 2024-01-26
Language Spanish
Country Argentina, Spain
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Director Ángeles Hernández
Writer José Pérez Quintero, David Matamoros, Ángeles Hernández, Álvaro Urtizberea
Production Company Mr. Miyagi, Vista Sur Films
Rating 7.7 out of 10 (163 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Hugo Silva as Pablo, Zoe Arnao as Lidia, Sergio Castellanos as Unknown Character, Irene Montalà as Madre de Lidia, Maria Ribera as Elvira, Carles Cuevas as Eloy, Noelia Balbo as Lola, Lucas Minuzzi as Jorge, Nicolás Espinosa as Don Miguel, Camila Romagnolo as Carmen Molino.


Lidia and her father, Pablo, return to the family lighthouse after her mother’s death. Pablo, aware of Lidia's fragile emotional balance, worries for a possible relapse after her suicide attempt. Lidia, annoyed by her father's lack of trust, will discover that something’s not right at the Lighthouse, and that danger awaits for them if they do not find out the truth.

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Who directed the Faro movie?

Ángeles Hernández directed the Faro movie.

What categories does the Faro movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Thriller, Horror.

When was Faro released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-26.

How long is the Faro movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 37 minutes.

Who wrote the Faro movie?

The screenplay was written by José Pérez Quintero, David Matamoros, Ángeles Hernández, Álvaro Urtizberea.