Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Frat Pie: A Parable Movie

Frat Pie: A Parable

Frat Pie: A Parable is a thrilling Fantasy, Comedy film directed by Justin Sacramone. This captivating story, produced by Holy Terror, released on 2024-08-24 with a runtime of 0 hours and 17 minutes.

Frat Pie: A Parable Movie Details

Movie Name Frat Pie: A Parable
Release Date 2024-08-24
Language English
Genres Fantasy, Comedy
Director Justin Sacramone
Writer Ellen Steves
Editor Anderson Matthew
Cinematographer Lucia Tarro
Production Company Holy Terror
Rating 7.4 out of 10 (187 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Johnny Capuano as Big Brother Chad, James Nash as Brother Dustin, Kyle Christman as Pledge, Oliver Feaster as Pledge, Seth Serrano as Pledge, Benny Valencia as Pledge, Michael A. Stahler as Pledge, Nathan Fitch as Pledge.


It’s Initiation Night at Chi Theta Fraternity and six Pledges face off on their quest toward Brotherhood. Adapted from a play, Frat Pie is a bold, tragicomic exploration of toxic masculinity and the silent presence of homophobia within male-dominated spaces.

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Who directed the Frat Pie: A Parable movie?

Justin Sacramone directed the Frat Pie: A Parable movie.

What categories does the Frat Pie: A Parable movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Fantasy, Comedy.

When was Frat Pie: A Parable released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-24.

How long is the Frat Pie: A Parable movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 17 minutes.

Who wrote the Frat Pie: A Parable movie?

The screenplay was written by Ellen Steves.