Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Gassed Up Movie

Gassed Up

Gassed Up is a thrilling Drama, Crime, Thriller film directed by George Amponsah. This captivating story, produced by Ascendant Fox, released on 2024-02-09 with a runtime of 1 hours and 42 minutes.

Gassed Up Movie Details

Movie Name Gassed Up
Release Date 2024-02-09
Language Albanian, English
Country United Kingdom
Genres Drama, Crime, Thriller
Director George Amponsah
Producer Rupert Preston, Ed Caffrey, Bart Ruspoli, Hester Ruoff, Stefan D'Bart
Editor Richard Ketteridge, Chris Dickens
Cinematographer Stefan Ciupek
Production Company Ascendant Fox
Rating 6.5 out of 10 (179 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Stephen Odubola as Ash, Taz Skylar as Dubz, Mae Muller as Kelly, Ms Banks as Ms Banks, Yung Filly as Yung Filly, Harry Pinero as Harry Pinero, Steve Toussaint as Roy, Craige Middleburg as Roach, Jelena Gavrilović as Shaz, Mohammed Mansaray as Kobz, Tobias Jowett as Mole, Tomi May as Jerdan, Ben Shafik as Scarface, Rawdat Quadri as Jasmine, Tim Chipping as Callum, David Monteith as Moe, George Hawkins as Adam.


Set during the peak of a wave of moped crimes sweeping London, 20-year-old Ash, who is trying to earn money to raise his 14-year-old sister and send his mother to rehab, gets caught up with an organized crime ring led by a young and charismatic Albanian immigrant. As the crimes get bigger and the attention becomes addictive, Ash struggles to keep his head above water. Soon, he has to choose between the people he loves, and having his whole life come crashing down around him.

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Gassed Up


Who directed the Gassed Up movie?

George Amponsah directed the Gassed Up movie.

What categories does the Gassed Up movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Crime, Thriller.

When was Gassed Up released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-09.

How long is the Gassed Up movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 42 minutes.

Who wrote the Gassed Up movie?

The screenplay was written by .