Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Ghosts of Red Ridge Movie

Ghosts of Red Ridge

Ghosts of Red Ridge is a thrilling Horror, Western film directed by Stefan Colson. This captivating story, produced by Jackrabbit Studios, released on 2024-12-03 with a runtime of 1 hours and 21 minutes.

Ghosts of Red Ridge Movie Details

Movie Name Ghosts of Red Ridge
Release Date 2024-12-03
Language English
Genres Horror, Western
Director Stefan Colson
Writer Brandon Cahela
Producer Mark Padilla, Jack Campbell, Stefan Colson, Rebecca Campbell
Production Company Jackrabbit Studios
Rating 5 out of 10 (138 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Owen Williams as Sheriff Dunlap, Trent Culkin as Deputy Wilder, Griffin Wade as Paul, Mercedes Peterson as Mary, John Marrs as Kent, Blaize Naasz as Mrs. Lymon, Chris James Rivera as Mac, Curt Lambert as Grady, Lena Wilcox as Gretchen, John Schile as Dr. Johnson, Robert Clark as Reggie, Cliff Owens as Maynard, Bill Fortenberry as Buford, Tammi-Jo Wilkins as Mrs. Wheeler, William Carr as Gus, Lane Wilkins as Mr. Lymon, Kaia Campbell as Citrine Lymon, Zoey Jean Blair as Friend, Bob Colson as Eugene, Lucy Campbell as Mia Lymon, Kevin Orduño as Willis.


After foiling a good ol' fashioned stickup in the gold bust town of Red Ridge, Texas, the town sheriff jails a mysterious stranger suspected of ties to the gang of outlaws terrorizing residents. But as the sheriff draws closer to unraveling the bandits' identities, ghosts of murdered townspeople begin appearing at his door, leaving him to question whether the spirits are warning him…or seeking vengeance for his own failure to protect them.

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Ghosts of Red Ridge


Who directed the Ghosts of Red Ridge movie?

Stefan Colson directed the Ghosts of Red Ridge movie.

What categories does the Ghosts of Red Ridge movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Western.

When was Ghosts of Red Ridge released?

The movie was released on 2024-12-03.

How long is the Ghosts of Red Ridge movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 21 minutes.

Who wrote the Ghosts of Red Ridge movie?

The screenplay was written by Brandon Cahela.