Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Godzilla: The Final Stand Movie

Godzilla: The Final Stand

Godzilla: The Final Stand is a thrilling Horror, Action, Adventure film directed by Evan O'Rourke. This captivating story, produced by , released on 2024-11-02 with a runtime of 1 hours and 11 minutes.

Godzilla: The Final Stand Movie Details

Movie Name Godzilla: The Final Stand
Release Date 2024-11-02
Genres Horror, Action, Adventure
Director Evan O'Rourke
Writer Evan O'Rourke
Production Company
Rating 5.5 out of 10 (162 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Gabezilla2004 as Rick, Panda The Manda as General Gunter, Pathetic Pictures as Krolan, Evan O'Rourke as James, Turbo Productions as Gov Hemsworth, Dyna Moose as Kirk, SomeNaughtySpud as Edward (Old), Robozilla64 as Senator Onasis, Tyran94 as Psychologist, Sam T. Giganfan as TV News Anchor, David Tokuist as Chief Katas.


It’s present day, 2024. Ronny, Rick, General Gunter and their fellow crew members are wanted fugitives by the FBI for rebelling against Monarch. They have hid deep in the Sevier Desert of Utah for the last 5 years. As the FBI is about to abandon their case with no luck, President James Huxley of Monarch is determined to launch his own investigation and get his revenge. Meanwhile, under 5 years of secret Monarch-Krolan rule, the organization has been corrupted in its efforts to kill Godzilla, Mothra and the new Kaiju, Gamera. With Krolan running out of ideas, he negotiates with Xilian terrorists on Planet X to release the legendary Xilian Kaiju known as Kiratom in order to unleash havoc on Earths remaining Kaiju’s. With Ronny facing the worst of all scenarios, can he and his crew finally beat James, Krolan & now Kiratom? Watch to find out…

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Godzilla: The Final Stand


Who directed the Godzilla: The Final Stand movie?

Evan O'Rourke directed the Godzilla: The Final Stand movie.

What categories does the Godzilla: The Final Stand movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Action, Adventure.

When was Godzilla: The Final Stand released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-02.

How long is the Godzilla: The Final Stand movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 11 minutes.

Who wrote the Godzilla: The Final Stand movie?

The screenplay was written by Evan O'Rourke.