Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto Movie


GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto is a thrilling Crime, Action, Animation film directed by Hiro Kaburagi. This captivating story, produced by WIT STUDIO, released on 2024-01-09 with a runtime of 1 hours and 29 minutes.

GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto Movie Details

Movie Name GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto
Release Date 2024-01-09
Language Japanese
Country Japan
Genres Crime, Action, Animation
Director Hiro Kaburagi
Writer Hiro Kaburagi, Taku Kishimoto
Editor Daisuke Imai
Cinematographer Kazuto Izumita
Production Company WIT STUDIO
Rating 6.9 out of 10 (126 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Yuka Komatsu as Xiangxiang / Dorothy (voice), Shunsuke Takeuchi as Jiang Pinjue / Jay (voice), Yasuhiro Mamiya as Yang Kunyi / Ai (voice), Kazuyuki Okitsu as Lin (voice), Yasuyuki Kase as Wan (voice), Mitsuaki Kanuka as Sai (voice), Mariya Ise as Bin Yang (voice), Chiaki Kobayashi as Makoto 'Edamame' Edamura (voice), Natsumi Fujiwara as Abigail 'Abbie' Jones (voice), Mie Sonozaki as Cynthia Moore (voice), Junichi Suwabe as Laurent Thierry (voice), Shinya Kote as Igarashi (voice), Shunsuke Sakuya as Oz (voice), Kaoru Katakai as Old Mother (voice), Wataru Tsuyuzaki as Tourism Section (voice), Masafumi Kobatake as Executive (voice), Chikako Sugimura as White Woman (Female Customer) (voice), Misa Ishii as Black Woman (Female Customer) (voice), Shomaru Zouza as Henchman A (voice), Hayato Kimura as Henchman B / Henchman D (voice), Yuu Wakabayashi as Henchman D (voice), Seiyuu Fujiwara as Henchman E (voice), Yuji Murai as Backpacker (voice), Mari Adachi as Ethiopian Restaurant Lady (voice), Tatsumaru Tachibana as Miyata (voice), Takuya Nakashima as Black Suit (voice), Masafumi Kobatake as Counterfeiter (voice), Takaaki Torashima as Henchman C (voice), Saya Hirose as CA Announcement (voice), Yoji Ueda as Narita (voice), Katsunori Okai as Ando (Detective) (voice), Shohei Kajikawa as Young Detective (voice).


Presumed dead, master con artist and recovering amnesiac Dorothy is discovered by Shanghai Longu-bang, a mob who wants payback for her conning them. With no memories and nowhere to go, she must rely on a local crime underboss to elude Taipei's criminal underworld all while tracking down leads to her mysterious past.

Watch the Trailer




Who directed the GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto movie?

Hiro Kaburagi directed the GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto movie.

What categories does the GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Action, Animation.

When was GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-09.

How long is the GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 29 minutes.

Who wrote the GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto movie?

The screenplay was written by Hiro Kaburagi, Taku Kishimoto.