Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Grizzly Night Movie

Grizzly Night

Grizzly Night is a thrilling Thriller, Horror film directed by Burke Doeren. This captivating story, produced by Four J Films, released on 2024-11-15 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Grizzly Night Movie Details

Movie Name Grizzly Night
Release Date 2024-11-15
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Thriller, Horror
Director Burke Doeren
Writer Katrina Mathewson
Producer Lauren Call, Burke Doeren, Kellie Doeren
Editor Michael DeJohn
Production Company Four J Films
Rating 7.6 out of 10 (105 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Charles Esten as Gary Bunney, Oded Fehr as Dr. John Lindberg, Brec Bassinger as Julie Helgeson, Joel Johnstone as Father Connolly, Lauren Call as Joan Devereaux, Jack Griffo as Raymond Noseck, Josh Zuckerman as Robert Klein, Matt Lintz as Roy Ducat, Alissa Skovbye as Michele Koons, Sohm Kapila as Ann Lindberg, Laura Schein as Janet Klein, Skyler Bible as Steve Pierre, Michael Vlamis as Leonard Landa, Brandon Ray Olive as Tom Walton, Mateo Pollock as Don Gullett, Jacob Buster as Paul Dunn, Sofia Khwaja as Terese Lindberg, Nate Morley as Ronnie Noseck, Jazmine Shaw as Eileen Anderson, Conor McGee as John Westover, Noah Kershisnik as Andy Thompson, Tatum Chiniquy as Suz Runnels, Karina Segura as Sharon Chase, Tito Livas as Jerry Chase, Oran Stainbrook as Bert Gildart, Christopher Robin Miller as Ranger Kyle McGee, Sarah Summers as Trina Baker, Archelaus Crisanto as Danny Gamboa, Kora Kokavec as Girl Scout, Lecksa Joel as Patty Bowen, Brianna Villasmil as Kim Chase, Alireza Mirmontazeri as Ranger, Chad Wright as Grizzly Hunter-Ranger, Lance Bagley as Hiker, Juan Diaz Garay as Taylor Black (Hiker), Colleen Baum as Mrs. Berry, Sophia Gray as Denise Huckle (as Sophia Macy).


On August 12th, 1967, in Montana's Glacier National Park, the unthinkable happened: On the same night, nine miles apart, there were not one-but two-fatal grizzly bear attacks.


Who directed the Grizzly Night movie?

Burke Doeren directed the Grizzly Night movie.

What categories does the Grizzly Night movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Thriller, Horror.

When was Grizzly Night released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-15.

How long is the Grizzly Night movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Grizzly Night movie?

The screenplay was written by Katrina Mathewson.