Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action



GTMAX is a thrilling Crime, Action film directed by Olivier Schneider. This captivating story, produced by Inoxy Films, Versus Production, released on 2024-11-19 with a runtime of 1 hours and 40 minutes.

GTMAX Movie Details

Movie Name GTMAX
Release Date 2024-11-19
Language French
Country Belgium, France
Genres Crime, Action
Director Olivier Schneider
Writer Jean-André Yerlès, Rachid Santaki, Jordan Pavlik, Rémi Leautier
Producer Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Rémi Leautier
Cinematographer Maxime Cointe
Production Company Inoxy Films, Versus Production
Rating 8 out of 10 (118 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ava Baya as Soélie, Jalil Lespert as Elyas, Jérémie Laheurte as Theo, Thibaut Évrard as Lucas, Riadh Belaïche as Michael, Gérard Lanvin as Daniel, Samir Decazza as Yacine, Clémentine Célarié as Hélène, Mohamed Makhtoumi as Coéquipier filature 1, Céline Jorrion as La Commissaire, Rayan Bouazza as Vinz, Estelle Darnault as Elsa.


When a notorious gang of bikers recruits her brother for a heist, a former motocross champion must face her deepest fears to keep her family safe.




Who directed the GTMAX movie?

Olivier Schneider directed the GTMAX movie.

What categories does the GTMAX movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Action.

When was GTMAX released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-19.

How long is the GTMAX movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 40 minutes.

Who wrote the GTMAX movie?

The screenplay was written by Jean-André Yerlès, Rachid Santaki, Jordan Pavlik, Rémi Leautier.