Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Hell Hole Movie

Hell Hole

Hell Hole is a thrilling Horror, Science Fiction film directed by John Adams, Toby Poser. This captivating story, produced by Not the Funeral Home, released on 2024-07-29 with a runtime of 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Hell Hole Movie Details

Movie Name Hell Hole
Release Date 2024-07-29
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Horror, Science Fiction
Director John Adams, Toby Poser
Writer Lulu Adams, John Adams, Toby Poser
Producer Justin A. Martell
Production Company Not the Funeral Home
Rating 5.3 out of 10 (139 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Toby Poser as Emily, Max Portman as Teddy, Anders Hove as French Imperial Army Commander, Olivera Peruničić as Sofija, Aleksandar Trmcic as Unknown Character, Petar Arsić as Danko, Bruno Veljanovski as Christian, Boris Lukman as Filip, Joana Knežević as Mickey.


Far away, in the desolate Serbian wilderness, a U.S.-led fracking crew uncover a dormant monster gestating inside a centuries-old French soldier. Now awakened and exposed in its most dangerously fragile state, it tears through the men on the grounds in search of a new womb.

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Hell Hole


Who directed the Hell Hole movie?

John Adams, Toby Poser directed the Hell Hole movie.

What categories does the Hell Hole movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Horror, Science Fiction.

When was Hell Hole released?

The movie was released on 2024-07-29.

How long is the Hell Hole movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Who wrote the Hell Hole movie?

The screenplay was written by Lulu Adams, John Adams, Toby Poser.